I love many things about this project… the fact that it is made from very small cookies arranged in a beautiful design is definitely one of them. Tunde has a full tutorial to make them and also sells the appropriate cookie cutters in her shop (you can find all the info by joining her site, with a click here, and find the cookie cutters info in the end of this post).

This platter is made with 20 cookies total, but you can make a large one as she demonstrated, just adding another full circle around it, for a total of 40 small cookies. I opted to make all the cookies but divided them in two groups, so I would be able to donate them separately and decorate them in slightly different ways also.

Both sets start from the same group of baked cookies (in my case, chocolate chipotle).

The decoration starts by flooding the narrow lozenge cookies with blue and placing a little white star in the center, and flooding the other cookies red, allowing it to fully set.

From that point, white Royal icing in piping consistency can be added to the red cookies exactly as Tunde demonstrates in her tutorial….

Alternatively, an easier way to decorate the red ones is using a stencil and gold airbrush paint….

I am truly smitten by this type of cookie platter, as it can be used in so many different color and pattern combinations. A small set of two cookie cutters that is absolutely worth having in your cabinet!

Tunde, thank you once again for a super detailed, wonderful online class!

ONE YEAR AGO: Framed Florals

TWO YEARS AGO: Fun with Royal Icing Leftovers