Of all the many gifts my beloved husband gave me, I think the projector goes to the very top of my favorites. It is a total game-changer for cookie decorating. I often flood extra-cookies with Royal icing and save them. In my computer, a folder called “Projector Ideas” collects images I find. One of my favorite pastimes is to paint a few cookies while I have my morning cappuccino. This small collection of cookies were made in the last few weeks. All supplies used are listed in the end of this post.

Perhaps my favorite. I used a real photo as starting point, my first time doing that (won’t be the last).
Luster powder diluted with vodka + food-safe pen.

You don’t necessarily need a white background… Turquoise Royal icing flooding, luster powder and black food-safe pen. Spring on a sugar cookie!

Cookies to tell a story:
The fox is dreaming of a better planet, in which bees are not risking extinction, flamingoes enjoy their clean lakes, roosters announce each day with joy, dragons live in every little kid’s fantasy land, and everybody is happy as a dog with a big bone in his mouth!

This is Brigitte, another favorite cookie of mine… I find her adorably goofy… Food-safe pen only, details with a very fine tip black marker.

Brigitte has many friends in the forest… Food pen for everything, except the body of the elephant, that was painted with silver luster powder.

Her sister Lolita is always, always hungry….

I really like combining luster dust with food-safe pen. And sometimes a light spray with Diamond Dust like I did in the flower adds another dimension to the image. Although there is also something nice about a simple black and white design.

His name is Alfred

I am very fond of minimalist drawings. Wish I could come up with a design myself, but until I am born again as a new person, “borrowing” things from the internet will have to do.

I often draw them in the evening, after dinner, so I have something to paint in the morning… In fact, they look cute as simple drawings if you want to simplify your life, but I cannot resist the appeal of colors.

The chicken cracks me up. I love a goofy cookie! Fox and Howling Coyote are luster powder only. Chick and Penguin food pen. Unicorn uses both.

This batch went for Phil’s golfing buddies. One is a marine biologist, so the great thing about drawing images on cookies is that you can make it with a special someone in mind.

And abstracts can be a ton of fun too! I have several designs in mind for the near future…

(I get no commission out of any purchases)

Akaso Mini-projector

Many cool drawings found here.

Luster powder all from Oh Sweet Art

Diamond Dust from Sugar Art.

Food safe pens from several sources, like this and this

Fine tip black marker, my favorite is this one.

That’s all for now! SEE YOU SOON!